Dillo is alive..sort ofForum: Linux and Free Software Topic: Dillo is alive..sort of started by: curaga Posted by curaga on April 14 2008,14:58
The port to fltk2 has been maturing behind the scenes for a while, and it's now in usable state. It's fast and lean, but not completely finished.Glad to see it still evolving. < http://www.dillo.org/Plans.html > Posted by mikshaw on April 14 2008,22:08
That page has apparently not been updated in over a year.Am I overlooking something? Posted by jpeters on April 15 2008,07:14
"The project was mostly dead for a while, but a few months ago in 2007, Jorge released the initial port to FLTK (which was what was holding everything up), and now development has begun again." Has anyone tried NetSurf ? < http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ > Posted by lucky13 on April 15 2008,12:06
Among the dependencies... libglade2-dev libcurl3-dev libxml2-dev libmng-dev librsvg2-dev lemon re2c librosprite... < http://source.netsurf-browser.org/trunk/netsurf/Docs/BUILDING-GTK > Posted by humpty on May 25 2008,16:35
From the Netsurf website ; Quote: " Portable NetSurf can be built for a number of modern computer platforms 'out of the box'. Written in C, with portability in mind, .. blah blah " With that number and diversity of dependencies, it's pathetic. Posted by curaga on May 30 2008,12:09
The page was just updated; I didn't catch the changes, but I feel it's time to give it a go.Expect an extension of Dillo 2-dev soon at a server near you ![]() Posted by curaga on May 30 2008,13:27
..or not; Dillo 2 does not compile ![]() Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on May 31 2008,03:03
It seems to run fine so far, using code checked out from cvs today.Some stats, listed in VSZ, RSS (in KB iirc), visited in this order: 1. Startup (local file): 5752, 3280 2. DSL forums, logged in: dillo-fltk: 8892, 5380 + dpid: 1476, 480 + cookies.dpi: 1480, 508; total: 11848, 6368 3. MyDSL uci, downloaded 1 uci: dillo-fltk: 9492, 6020 + dpid: 1476, 480 + cookies.dpi: 1480, 512 + downloads.dpi: 4636, 2056; total: 17084, 9068 downloads.dpi is the popup that shows the current downloads (which is like the one in 0.8.6 if enabled - looks like DSL uses 0.8.5 for some reason) This happened all in one window session. `du /opt/dillo2` shows 1604 I don't think making an extension is a good idea atm, but I'll leave that up to you guys. ----- Added: my (rough) build guide * did not use any specific optimizing flags - looks like it configures itself to the current system Build environment: DSL 3.4.11 base * mydsl-load gnu-utils gcc1-with-libs fltk2: 2.0.x-r6132 weekly * downloaded via official site * disabled glut, test (glpuzzle fails, didn't want to investigate or add the libs/headers since dillo doesn't need opengl) dillo2: latest cvs * mydsl-load perl5.8.0 openssl-0.9.7j-includes ssl-link-fix cvs * m4 1.4.11 (req perl for build) * autoconf 2.62 * automake 1.10.1 * somewhat followed from < http://www.dillo.org/cvs.html > * even though if ssl isn't found, it doesn't seem to disable https Running dillo-fltk: * terminate old dillo/dpid/*.dpi etc first ----- Added: (rough) build guide 2 using compile-3.3.5 Build environment: DSL 3.4.11 base * mydsl-load compile-3.3.5 * run mkwriteable if needed fltk2: 2.0.x-r6132 weekly * --disable-xinerama (compile-3.3.5 has the header, but is missing other files) * remove glut, test dw2/dillo2: cvs latest * mydsl-load perl5.8.0 cvs * see the < dillo cvs page > compile-3.3.5 notes: * xinerama header is included, but libs are not * .../share/aclocal/gtk.m4:7 gives warning: underquote definition of AM_PATH_GTK during autogen - doesn't seem to be a show stopper * openssl differences - compile-3.3.5 has openssl-0.9.7a whereas the extension used in the first guide is 0.9.7j * didn't require to set CPPFLAGS for -I Running dillo-fltk: * terminate old dillo/dpid/*.dpi etc first * `du /opt/dillo2` shows 1524 now Posted by curaga on May 31 2008,06:22
Why is perl needed? I didn't load it, and didn't see a single error or warning anywhere. My build stopped at dillo2, at the final linking stage, with:
When I removed dillo.o to have it regenerated like a good autotooled sys, no go, couldn't even do make distclean. Perhaps the build system was screwed at the time I fetched. Posted by WDef on June 12 2008,12:42
Perl might have been loaded for automake, which is written in Perl