Newbie to DSLForum: USB booting Topic: Newbie to DSL started by: gemini2011 Posted by gemini2011 on Dec. 03 2004,20:00
Hi everyone.I am new to DSL and have some experience in SuSE 9.0. I want to turn my SanDisk Cruzer Mini 256MB USB key into a bootable DSL to use between my Dell Dimension 8200 desktop computer and my Dell Inspiron 8600 Laptop. I looked at the file download on the ibiblio site and other than the bootusb_0.8.img file, I don't see any files specific for bootable USB keys. I downloaded that file and I am not quite sure how to open it (in Windows XP). I could try in SuSE though. I just need to know specifically what I need to do to get DSL on my USB drive. Thanks for you help! Posted by gemini2011 on Dec. 03 2004,21:47
Hi again everyone.I got the embeded download and ran it off my C drive in Windows. I found the tool to install the bootable to a USB pendrive and selected that. The only problem I am having is that I don't know what device the SanDisk Cruzer Mini is. I tried to find it but I can't. I need to know where to find out what the device name is for the USB drive and then I should be in the clear. Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 04 2004,03:55
You can't install to your USB drive when running from DSL embedded.DSL embedded is actually runing inside a "Virtual Computer" that is contained inside a program called QEmu. It cannot see your REAL computer hardware like USB devices. However, you can take the dsl.iso file that is contained inside your embedded zip file and use a program like Nero to burn it to a CD-R disk. Just make sure to use the File -> Burn Image menu to do this. You are burning an image to the CD-R disk and NOT just moving the dsl.iso file over to your "NewCD" project tree. Then use your CD-R disk to boot up DSL. You may need to set your BIOS to enable "Boot from CDROM drive", or you may need to set the boot order to try the CDROM drive first. Once you are booted from the CDROM, you can then use the menu item to install it to a USB pen drive. Posted by gemini2011 on Dec. 04 2004,20:29
I figured it out using the tutorial in one of the other forum posts. I was able to get the bootable working. However, my desktop BIOS doesn't support USB booting. I was afraid this would be the case. But, my laptop, being newer, supports it and I can us it on their. The only problem I am having now is that I can't the Ethernet card working....Thanks for you help anyway Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 04 2004,23:39
heh, just open a root terminal and type "modprobe b44"hit enter, then run netcardconfig. i have the same laptop, for some reason, the b44 module isn't in knoppix-autoconf. Posted by gemini2011 on Dec. 05 2004,03:27
oh interesting. Yeah I tried to run the util and it just flickers and refreshes. I also can't use the Wifi Card but I don't really car because I currently just want to use it with my Ethernet connection in the docking bay. I will try that. Thanks
Posted by gemini2011 on Dec. 05 2004,16:35
Um... Do you have to be as super user to do that? It says it is not permitted to create the module. I don't know what the Super user password is either. I awesome there is a default value...
Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 06 2004,04:34
No 'root' or superuser password is needed.Just type: sudo su and you will become the 'root' user. Then try to install your driver module. exit will return you to your original user account. Posted by kronchev on Dec. 06 2004,05:32
I am trying to do this but heres my problem: i dont know how to tell if its even SEEING my usb drive! mount tells me nothing, and I'm completly new to linux (save unix experiance and some knoppix tomfoolery). someone really needs to write a complete morons guide to getting this to work. Someone please help me! my AIM is DerFeuerKommt, any contact there would be greatly appreciated! Right now I'm running DSL in a VMWare window on my desktop, and I like it ![]() Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 06 2004,13:20
Make sure your USB drive is plugged in before you turn on your computer and boot DSL from the livecd.You should then see a choice like "sda1" to be able to be mounted. This is your USB drive. |