Booting withou questions!Forum: USB booting Topic: Booting withou questions! started by: igorgatis Posted by igorgatis on Nov. 12 2004,00:59
Hi,I've installed DSL using frugall instalation. I would like to know now disable configuration questions. First, how to disable the question made when the system just boot up. It says 'You passed ...' related to screen configuration. I always press Enter to continue. This question is not made in my office computer, it only happens in my house computer. Second, how to disable the x setup questions (I think they are made by script - if so, how disable the script call)? Thanks, Igor Posted by roberts on Nov. 12 2004,02:21
1. Probably should boot from cdrom with the following:boot: dsl vga=normal 2 then at system prompt # That should get rid of the invalid video mode. 2. When you setup X then do a system backup. Then you will not be prompted again. Posted by Rapidweather on Nov. 12 2004,03:12
Here's the way I do that:The file /home/dsl/.xserverrc can be saved by an entry in filetool.lst. My current .xserverrc looks like this:
--- The entry in filetool.lst is:
--- I usually remaster the .xserverrc into /etc/skel then the questions are not asked. The Menu --> System --> X Setup item will work to run the script. I have modified the last part of the file to automatically run "startx":
--- Anyway, once you boot with restore=sda1, for instance, representing your USB pen drive, then the .xserverrc file will be in /home/dsl before X comes up, so it will be used by the system, to bring X up to your choices in the file. If you do not have an .xserverrc file in /home/dsl, then the script is presented, and you have to make the choices each time you boot up. --- ![]() Posted by igorgatis on Nov. 12 2004,16:00
Ok, let me understand:
This will ensure no quesion about display configuration on the very first boot up time, isn't? The message : 'You passed wrong...' will never be shown agian.
And this one is to avoid the questions made by xsetup script. Please, if this conclusions are not right, tell me. ![]() Thanks a lot, Gatis Posted by ke4nt1 on Nov. 12 2004,16:09
Yep!You got it right.. Good work... 73 ke4nt Posted by igorgatis on Nov. 12 2004,16:11
Ok! That was I think I should do by reading Robert's reply.
If I remaster just to make DSL saves .xserverrc (including it on filetool.lst file), the xsetup question will be made only once. Am I right? One more question... who calls xsetup script on initialization process? Thanks, Gatis Posted by igorgatis on Nov. 17 2004,20:49
I've found! is called by startx script.