mounting a uciForum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: mounting a uci started by: alfille Posted by alfille on Sep. 21 2005,16:06
It's easy to open a .tar.gx file to explore it's contents and even repack files are not so easy. Is there a series of commands that allow opening a .uci file, editing it's contents, and repacking it besides mounting it as an extension, and then following the instructions for creating a new extension? Posted by mikshaw on Sep. 21 2005,16:17
This example will be for a uci that mounts in /opt/myapp.If you are not editing the user.tar.gz file: 1) mount the extension. 2) copy /opt/myapp somewhere writeable. 3) make changes. 4)From outside the new myapp directory: chown -R 0.0 myapp/ mkisofs -R -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes -pad myapp/ | create_compressed_fs - 65536 > myapp.uci If you are editing user.tar.gz, edit it as a regular tar.gz extension before creating the uci |