NEW DSL AIM-1.5.dsl ---BUT---Forum: myDSL Extensions (deprecated) Topic: NEW DSL AIM-1.5.dsl ---BUT--- started by: Your Fuzzy God Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 16 2005,22:22
All right guys, I made an AIM (v1.5) .dsl. I know GAIM is already in the repository but I am not a big fan of GAIM. This is the newest version from AOhelL and the DSL rolls in at 1.0 Mb instead of GAIM's 5.6 Mb. The only problem I am having before posting is that AOL licenses its package with the < LGPL >. My understanding (from reading the license) is that I have the right to change the package and re-issue it, provided that I include all changes made. Also, the new package can be licensed under the ordinary GNU General Public License. So, I guess my question is; would anyone be interested in this before I go to the trouble of modifying the license? Also, will there be any problems hosting this file in the repository? Let me know guys, Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 16 2005,22:40
Can Gaim be made into a .uci pleaseEspecially since the gtk2 main package is 15Megs! How much space would that .dsl take if it was extracted? Brian AwPhuch Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 16 2005,23:13
I don't know anything about a gaim.uci, sorry.This package is 3.04 Mb unpacked. You can trim that down if you delete the documentation, sound, and source code. Posted by friedgold on Sep. 16 2005,23:25
I'm confused. Why would a program having a LGPL licence be a problem? Why would relicencing to GPL be desirable when simply redistributing? The LGPL is less restrictive than the GPL. Also my reading of < this page > is that AIM on Linux uses a modified GTK library and it is that which is under the LGPL, not AIM itself. There's no mention on that page of what licence AIM is available under. Freshmeat classifies the licence as '< freeware >'. This may mean that redistribution is not permitted (at least I can't find anyway on the AOL that says redistribution is permitted). Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 17 2005,01:42
Agreed..While the gtk elements are distributable under the LGPL, ( and so they must post it prominently.. ) The code for AIM itself is NOT under any but their own license.. With this type of licensing, DSL repositories will not hold code from AOL/AIM. It may not even be legal to POST this license here.. ??
73 ke4nt Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 17 2005,04:15
friedgold: Yeah, I am just as confused as you. It says you can re-license your new package with the GPL if you wish; however, I think the LGPL is more restrictive (generally speaking) because of this line, "We call this license the 'Lesser' General Public License because it does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General Public License." I have not, and probably never will, read through both licenses and compare/contrast them. You may be absolutely correct.Also, you are both totally correct on the gtk issue. It is, in fact, the gtk elements that are distributed under the LGPL. I misread. I ass/u/me(d) that was their license because it was the only reference to a license that I ever saw when I downloaded and installed the software. Now that I see their real license, I see how moronic it is. It makes no sense. "You may not ... attempt to discover any source code in the Software," yet they include it in their package!!! WTF! Anyway, I think it is best that I not get the great folks at damnsmall involved in this. Their time is much better spent NOT worrying about corporate greed and ignorance. I will do as their license says. Since there was no license with the software I received directly from AOL, I shall put my own (and only) copy on "the single computer or device from which I plan to access and use the Services." It is not my fault if that computer or device happens to be a server with a shared directory. It is up to all of you not to download my file. On a totally different and unrelated note not concerning the above what so ever, it’s the weekend and I plan not to touch a computer for the next two days. So if you are waiting something from me (such as a link of some sort, or a project I may or may not be working on) then you will have to wait until at least Monday. Please don’t yell, -Fuzzy (but not The Fuzzy) ![]() Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 17 2005,04:49
No problem...Tnx for the effort.. It is easy to download, and it runs well in DSL. Perhaps a link for everyone to go get the good stuff ? < > 73 ke4nt Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 19 2005,16:00
Instead of uploading the file I think it is better to show people some of what I have learned playing with .dsl files. I was writing out a simple howto along with basics on what a .dsl file is and how it works, but I accidentally closed flwriter and now everything is gone. So, once the vein in my head subsides I shall start over. Also, instead of posting the howto here, I think it will go under DSL tips and tricks under the name "dsl extension basics."
Posted by ke4nt1 on Sep. 19 2005,16:28
AAAH!! I hate when that happens.... Awaiting your howto. 73 ke4nt Posted by doobit on Sep. 20 2005,00:19
I would love it to support MSN...I know, I know, but that's what my family uses...
Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 20 2005,14:11
I will take a look and see what M$N has in the way of messenger software for Linux and see what I can do about getting it working with DSL. If they have Linux software, I will try and make a .dsl extension and write something up on it, but seeing as how I am fairly new at this, I can't promise anything.
Posted by doobit on Sep. 20 2005,14:43
M$N messanger is not available for Linux, but the latest version of GAIM ssupports it.Ummm...nevermind. I figured out how to load the latest GTK2 for dsl and the GTK2 version of GAIM. It's working pretty well. Now if I could only figure out how to get the wmweather+2.9 configured... Posted by AwPhuch on Sep. 20 2005,17:45
How hard would it be to build GAIM into a .uci extension??Older laptops have a hard time getting the GTK2 and then GAIM DSL (well mine does anyway) Brian AwPhuch Posted by Your Fuzzy God on Sep. 21 2005,15:33
doobit: Try my amsn.dsl out. < Try it! > Let me know if you have any problems with it. I plan on releasing it after I get everything worked out. Also, just to let you know, this installs parts of tcltk to be able to run.Right now, most of the actual amsn application files are going into the /home/dsl/.msn-0_94 directory. I think I should change this; it seems silly to keep them there. I linked from /usr/bin so that you can still run through the command prompt by typing amsn, but I don't know if I should keep things where they are? --EDIT-- I just noticed that amsn is already in the UCI section of the dsl repository! Good Luck, Posted by doobit on Sep. 22 2005,18:26
Thanks Fuzzy. I'll give it a try!
Posted by doobit on Sep. 27 2005,16:31
OK, Fuzzy I gave it a shot, but, though I was able to open it as root in terminal, it said it needed to download something from the developer's site to work. Also would not install in MyDSL, it only would open in the terminal. I'm having some trouble with the MyDSL menu anyway, so it may be my problem and I need to reinstall DSL and do it more carefully.