kernel source neededForum: Other Help Topics Topic: kernel source needed started by: enebene Posted by enebene on Nov. 17 2003,13:46
Hello.Is there a way I can get the kernel-source of the 2.4.20-xfs? I need it to put the Cisco-Vpn-Client in DSL to use our Intranet at home. When there is a download, can anyone tell me also how to set it up in the system. Hardwaredetails:: l7s7a2 amd 1700+ 512mb ddr thanks allot Posted by Gilbert Ashley on Nov. 18 2003,12:10
You can always get the kernel source from or using apt-get. It should be unpacked in /usr/src/linux
Posted by enebene on Nov. 18 2003,12:47
I tried to get the kernel via apt-get and i patched it with 2.4.20-xfs-all.bz2.but there is still the problem that the source can't be found. the error message says: file not found: linux/version.h so do i have to do something else than apt-get and unzip the kernel and patch it? ![]() thanks for reply Posted by Gilbert Ashley on Nov. 18 2003,23:20
Did you get the kernel or the kernel source? The source should be a tarball or something.tgz file of a round 50 MB or so which unpacks to around 120MB. I'm guessing that you're not trying to compile the progarm- it just needs to know what kernel version you are using in order to configure itself. On my fullblown Slackware linux 8.1 this file is found all over the ~/src directory but it only shows up in two places as ~linux/version.h - they are:/usr/include/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-?.?.??/include/linux/version.h The question marks would be replaced with 2.4.20 (and maybe -xfs) in the case of DSL The file consists of just 3 lines which identify the kernel version: #define UTS_RELEASE "2.4.18" #define LINUX_VERSION_CODE 132114 #define blah,blah,blah Do this to see if the file exixts anywhere on your system. Type: sudo su updatedb This will create a database of all your files. Then type: locate linux/version.h If the file is found then make sure it is in the right places as above. Good luck! Posted by enebene on Nov. 19 2003,12:15
OK, I did it so far, i forgot the mkae dep, this is building the version.h .But now i have a new problem. When is start the installscript it says: asm/spinlock.h - assambly directive not found what the hell is that! ![]() Posted by Gilbert Ashley on Nov. 20 2003,21:00
I'm not sure about that paricular compile error. It's quite common to have (non-fatal) errors during a compile. Are you sure you need to compile the kernel at all? It sounded like your VPN client just needed to refer to the source in order to know what version it is. Anyway, if you do compile, the kernel should work unless you get errors at the very end.