Time ZoneForum: Other Help Topics Topic: Time Zone started by: JohnJS Posted by JohnJS on Nov. 16 2007,16:12
Using dsl 3.4.6 have been unable to set correct time zone.Boot with tz=US/Pacific changes the time at the bottom of the screen from Eastern to Pacific. Calendar show UTC (at bottom of the Calendar). Upon restart time reverts back to EST on the Calendar. How do I make the zone change permanent?. Posted by roberts on Nov. 16 2007,20:07
Depends on how you are running DSL. Where ever your append line is, syslinux.cfg, isolinux.cfg, grub/menu.lst, etc....Need more information. Posted by JohnJS on Nov. 16 2007,20:41
Thanks Roberts for speedy response.Am running DSL3.4.6/Frugal/Lilo/toram Unable to edit /etc/lilo.conf. Posted by roberts on Nov. 17 2007,01:09
Ah, the dreaded combination of Frugal/Lilo/Toram !Try this: 1. open a root shell 2. mount the boot partition, lets say it is hda2, mount /mnt/hda2 3. "edit" /mnt/hda2/boot/lilo.conf 4. ln -sf /mnt/hda2/boot / 5. lilo -C /mnt/hda2/boot/lilo.conf 6. reboot Posted by JohnJS on Nov. 17 2007,16:41
Thanks roberts.As a recent convert to DSL am curious as to what you mean by "Ah, the dreaded combination of Frugal/Lilo/Toram". I thought I had been using DSL correctly. (Have your DSL book for reference in case I missed something). What would be the correct setup other than LiveCD with a hd/partition for backup and files?. DSL is the only OS on my computers. Thank you. Posted by curaga on Nov. 17 2007,16:59
I believe it's because toram unmounts the boot drive, frugal as only some files can be edited, and lilo, since it requires a rerun to accept new settingsUsing grub instead would be easier, but your setup is fine, no need to change ![]() Posted by roberts on Nov. 17 2007,17:03
Most people find Grub easier to modify the append section.In fact with Grub while its menu is displayed pressing the letter e will allow temporary editing of the options. If you are changing options often then grub may be more suitable. Grub also does not need to be re-installed in the mbr. It reads its configuration file. There is nothing wrong by using Lilo, in fact for setting up an appliance type application lilo is probably preferred, simply because it is not as easy to change boot options and with the combination of using 'toram', well you see you have a little more work to do to change it. Not only do you have to edit the configuration file, it needs to be re-installed. Different choices, DSL offers both. Posted by JohnJS on Nov. 17 2007,17:23
Many Thanks to roberts and curage for the info.roberts' 6 steps suggested in previous post can be found on page 162 of the DSL book. I have Lilo on my main computer will try Grub on my backup unit with and without the toram option and see which one works better for me. roberts, keep up the great work you are doing as you have provided an invaluable alternative to many of us frustrated with bloat and constant hardware upgrades. |