Posted: April 12 2004,11:20 |
First scusse me for my bad english, i'm writing from san luis rio colorado, Sonora Mexico
I hope this idea works for you
I'm planning to install DSL on a toshiba laptop, it's in the same conditions than your laptop, what i'm planning to do is, take out the HD from the laptop, then use a IDE to LaptopHD adaptor,, install DSL on a desktop PC and then put it back on the laptop, i think this could work, since at the boot time DSL recognizes the hardware. try this. i'm going to try it too when i got a memory stick that i buy on ebay for the laptop (32mb), by the way you can also find the IDE to LaptopHD adaptor there on ebay
Also as a good note, i'm writing this post on a P200/64mb/800MB hd, compaq sff deskpro, i just install DSL 2 hours ago and I LOVE IT!! thanks to the creator of DSL and all contributors
Have a nice day
ED (cybered77) san luis rio colorado, sonora mexico