
Group: Awaiting Authorisation
Posts: 4
Joined: Jan. 2005 |
Posted: Jan. 30 2005,08:08 |
(To Board Admins: Please move if in wrong section. Thanks!)
I'm sure theres a lot of people here who love the classic, Duke Nukem 3D, as much as I do. I had tons of fun with this game back in the old days of DOS... but those days are unfortunately over.
HOWEVER! I have a request. The source code to Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition may be found here. (Just scroll down the page until you see where it's written "duke3dsource.zip" under "Duke Nukem 3D") http://www.3drealms.com/downloads.html (Or to simplify things, just click here for the .zip without even having to go to the page. ftp://ftp.3drealms.com/source/duke3dsource.zip ) It has been released by the game company, 3D Realms, themselves and is distributed for free and is 100% legal to download. Would someone be able to recompile this for DamnSmallLinux? I believe the game was written in either C or C++.
If anyone can do this... oh my gosh! I would love you! Seriously!
Well, I'm off, so... nights!