
Group: Members
Posts: 21
Joined: Dec. 2008 |
Posted: Jan. 05 2009,20:56 |
What is there that you want to remove? I fount that dsl had very few programs that I don't use, and they only take up a few KB...
Anyway to answer your question, I think you [i]might[\i] be able to use apt-get remove [i]program[\i], but I'm doubtful that it would work. If not, you could delete all folders related to the program(usually just 1-2).
To disable things from running at start up I think you just edit .xinitrc(should be either in home folder or /etc/), and comment out the lines with the programs you don't want to run at startup(REMEMBER TO BACKUP OR YOU COULD LOSE YOUR SYSTEM). Though again, I'm not too much of a Linux expert, so this may or may not work. I'd recommend try it, but if it doesn't work, wait for someone else(more experienced) to post here.