
Group: Members
Posts: 60
Joined: June 2004 |
Posted: June 20 2004,01:48 |
Hello again,
I guess I jumped the gun a bit on this problem. I figured it out by doing what I should have done (and it ain't finding the right post!) piece together a fix from a millionother posts and google searches! For those of you still having this prob here's how I fixed it:
Open Xterminal at the prompt type: "sudo su" you are now a SUPER USER! then type: "cd /etc/" you changed to the etc dir then put in: "nano lilo.conf"
here you will get the nano editor to hack your LILO config. I changed the very first line to vga=789. I must thank Crotalus at this point, his post ROCKED!
I thin did a "ctrl X" to exit. It asks if you want to save (don't get scared by the DESTROY warning) type Y. It will prompt to write to the lilo.conf file, hit ENTER.
you should now be back at the /etc# prompt
type: "lilo" this will have the loader re-read the lilo config file
reboot now and you should be at the right settings!
good luck!