DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: XMMS Improvements

Quote (lesliek @ May 22 2006,17:55)
I downloaded an RPM containing it to my computer which runs Fedora. (The RPM was actually created for Mandriva.) I then extracted all the files from the RPM using a built-in extractor in Fedora. I found xmmsctrl among the extracted files and copied just that to my computer running DSL. It works.

That's another useful piece of knowledge.  The fact is that many applications will have no trouble when copied directly from one distro to another, as long as you have all of the libs it requires. There are some things, such as kernel modules, that usually won't work this way, but mostly linux is still linux no matter what label gets slapped on it.
My limited understanding of these things had been before this that such cross-distribution attempts would almost invariably fail, but what you say encourages me to make further attempts like this in the future.

As I'm in the process of trying to get xmms to do things requested by someone using DSL, this is the second time I've succeeded in this way. I got libwma.so out of an RPM, copied it accross and it's worked in DSL too.

A while ago, I posted a script that I was trying unsuccessfully to make work to convert wma files to mp3 files.

I'll now post a later version of the same script, which version does work:



sed -i "s/libOSS.so/libdisk_writer.so/g" ~/.xmms/config

for i in *.wma
       filename=`basename "$i" .wma`
      echo "Converting $i to .wav"
xmmsctrl launch      
xmms "$i"
while `xmmsctrl playing`; do
sleep 1
xmmsctrl quit
       lame "${i/wma/wav}" "${i/wma/mp3}" && rm -f ${i/wma/wav}


sed -i "s/libdisk_writer.so/libOSS.so/g" ~/.xmms/config


It goes without saying that the script that jot posted is superior to this one, but I just wanted to see if I could amend the one I'd earlier posted to get it to work. Nothing of any significance in the script that works is an idea of my own; most of the things of significance in it came from mikshaw and jot and the balance came from scripts I found on the Web.

Sincerest thanks again to mikshaw and jot for their guidance.

I suggest You to try it with lame_out.so plugin it is in one of my posts above, it is like disk writer but  outputs mp3's

As for linux packages, I think that all of them are just compressed files but with different methods and you can convert any of them to tar.gz , rpm's deb's and dsl's , dsl are just renamed tr.gz (I think) but are handled differet by DSL.

With my script above you can convert rpm's and deb's to tar.gz and then just install it with myDSL, I personally extract that archive and remove unneccessary files, like documentation etc.

Of course not all rpm's can be extracted (with the script) , it depends which system they were created for.

The binaries from such  packages not always work but you can check their dependencies with 'ldd /path/to/file' and google for that library name. As you can choose from rpm's , deb's , dsl's or tgz's (linuxpackages.net) it's more likely that you will find it quite quickly.

Ok, I've just read the topic again, it still is 'XMMS Improvements' so I'll finish here :)

original here.