DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Suggestion: Business Card Label for DSL

I went to the trouble to find 62 MB business card CD-Rs and business card CD labels so I could burn DSL to a business card CD-R and label it as well.  However, I have not been able to find any ready made DSL CD labels or CD art so I can make a business card CD-R label.

It would be nice if some one could create a DSL business card CD-R label for Word and Nero or at least create a graphic that fits within the dimensions of a business card CD-R label (78 mm x 54 mm, hole to out side 18.75 mm x 30.5 mm, hole = 17.0 mm).

It would be really great if someone could create something like this for DSL:


If you order a CD, I think you get a nice label, but otherwise, the official label is very minimalistic, much like DSL.

It involves a Sharpie™ and the words "Damn Small Linux 2.0".

Note that you can use as many colors of Sharpie™ that you wish.


Once upon a time, there were some graphics artists who drew up a few DSL logos and labels.

Links to some of their creations were posted to the DSL forums.

For example, I believe that use "monkeymind" did a few of these.

original here.