DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL thoughts

There's not much to add...

Maybe slowing fluxbox down - when I go from one menu to the next - sometimes it changes too fast (perhaps that's a setting I can change?)

A different (lightweight) text editor - Beaver's format (returns) is hard to read in windows textpad

Arial and Times New Roman fonts...

I better stop...


slowing fluxbox menu down was not implemented until version 0.9.7.  If you use fluxbox devel you can add this to $HOME/.fluxbox/init:
session.screen0.menuDelay: <milliseconds>
session.screen0.menuDelayClose: <milliseconds>

The hard-to-read text file is going to happen no matter what text editor you use...it's due to a difference in Unix/DOS/Mac line breaks.  Try the unix2dos utility for files you will be reading in Windows, or try opening the files in Windows with something better than notepad (UltraEdit, for example).

also, Beaver has the ability to convert from any and to any text format.


Quote (mikshaw @ Nov. 17 2005,22:47)
slowing fluxbox menu down was not implemented until version 0.9.7.  If you use fluxbox devel you can add this to $HOME/.fluxbox/init:
session.screen0.menuDelay: <milliseconds>
session.screen0.menuDelayClose: <milliseconds>

>>I'll give that a shot - thanks <<

The hard-to-read text file is going to happen no matter what text editor you use...it's due to a difference in Unix/DOS/Mac line breaks.  Try the unix2dos utility for files you will be reading in Windows, or try opening the files in Windows with something better than notepad (UltraEdit, for example).

>> Um - having run  Knoppix (3.81 and 4.01) with (Kedit?) - can edit the .txt files fine (did the same with Beaver - it's an existing .txt file) - Kedit doesn't leave the little black boxes (return symbols/line breaks) like Beaver does. <<

>> Are the fonts availible for download/install? --- I have about 450+ ppt files I use - and with Open Office 2.0 - they display - fine - on win98 or Ubuntu (but Ubuntu wont display at all on an external monitor - with OOffice Impress.. - DSL does -- but the output is all 'skewed'..... and win 98... does ok but it 'freezes' alot (and it's a fresh install)...

Thanks much!!
TM <<


Clarification on the Open Office issue (Impress)...

When a file is viewed in the edit or 'normal' mode - fonts appear ok (therefore a true 'arial' is not needed in this case) - however - when running a slideshow - most of the fonts change size - and appear to be uniform - and the spacing appears to be a monospace .  If wanted - I could post a couple of screen captures to further clairfy this situation.

*update 12/1/05* -- this appears to be a font server issue?
for Impress to be useable - this should be an option to download and install/save - and 'reactivate' when booting from cd...


-- FIY - the Ubuntu issue occurs when a window is moved the the left portion of the screen - the external monitor grows more dark the further the window is moved..

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