DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: ipw2200 driver here

- For DSL2.0 beta
- It's not tested / verified. When it is it'll be available from the mirrors.

For the moment I'm hosting it. I hope to keep it here until 30/1/2006 or until the package gets verified:

--> NOW IN TESTING FOR the 2.0 beta:
here for example

and instructions here:

Code Sample

## Install the driver. In EmelFM select ipw2200-k2.4.31.dsl and press "MYDSL"
## or the manual way - open an xterminal,
sudo /etc/init.d/mydsl-install/<mylocation>/ipw2200-k2.4.31.dsl
## first we need to become superuser
sudo su
## now we need to run "depmod", which is no problem with a HD install,
## but difficult with the liveCD (and frugal) because much of the filesystem is read-only.
## so for a liveCD we need to make certain files writeable
## by running /home/dsl/depmodscript.sh, which is provided in this package.
## So run this next command only for liveCD, not HDinstalls
## map our new driver modules

## Now load the driver
modprobe ipw2200
## if no error messages, this should create a network interface, eth0 (or eth1, etc)
## you can check this by running "ifconfig -a"
## now set up the wireless network
iwconfig eth0 essid MY_ESSID key 1234567890 mode managed
## for automatic IP
pump -i eth0
## or for static IP
## modify /etc/resolv.conf to include your nameservers
#ifconfig eth0 192.168.0.xx
#route add default gw eth0   # or whatever your router's IP is

Obviously, replace "MY_ESSID" with your SSID and "123467890" with your WEP key.
Instead of manually entering the commands each time to load the module and configure the network,
it's easier to run the the provided script, /home/dsl/connect.sh
Just modify this script to include your settings.

MAKING IT PERMANENT with a liveCD or Frugal install.
This driver package can be reinstalled at each boot with the boot parameter -
"mydsl=hda1" (or sda1, or floppy, etc)
Of course, the all-important "depmod" process is still required.
A neat way to achieve this automatically
is to list the files that depmod modifies in /home/dsl/.filetool.lst,
then run "Backup" from DSLpanel > Backup/Restore.
First, set up the driver and make sure it's working.  And modify your /home/dsl/connect.sh script.
Now add the following entries to /home/dsl/.filetool.lst -
(don't dare delete the "home/dsl/.filetool.lst" and "/home/dsl/.xfiletool.lst" entries)


Run "Backup" from DSLpanel > Backup/Restore
Boot with the boot parameters -
mydsl=hda1 restore=hda1 (or sda1, or floppy, etc)

Cool it is for 2.4.31 our 2.0 version. Thanks.
Hope we get some feedack so that it can be placed in the repository for the release of 2.0 final.

Just to clarify ... I compiled this package, and it has already been successfully tested by another forum member, gjhicks.  So the issue is verification and acceptance, I thought.  I emailed it to - extensions at damnsmalllinux dot org, on November 7.

There are many different wifi drivers for Linux, and I have compiled packages of most for Puppy Linux, which are hosted at http://mymirrors.homelinux.org/puppy/wireless/
Sorry, I don't feel inspired to go through the whole process again for DSL.  It took a lot of time.  And when the kernel changes, it's all redundant.
But if there's interest amongst users of this ipw2200 package in using WPA encryption, I will make a wpa_supplicant dsl package.

I managed to install the driver and get it working ok.  (THANKS!!!!! If you only knew!)  But I have to reinstall the driver each time I reboot.  I don't leave this machine on all the time and I don't understand your instructions for making this permanent on a hard drive install.  Or I'm not following them correctly.

(I was actually willing to pay for this driver.  I've done everything including beg for it!  :-D)

To make these kind of settings permanent, you need to add the commands to your /opt/bootlocal.sh startup file.  You will also need to use the DSL backup/restore process.

Search the wiki or the forums for more detailed help on these subjects.

If there's something in the WIKI it's not linked to from the rest of the WIKI:

It seems there are lots of pages not listed in the WIKI. Here's why; a new front page!



One method I read about somewhere involves putting the myDSL package in a certain location and then specifying `mydsl=/package` on the commandline. Try that to begin with.

You might be able to edit the iso by uncompressing the mydsl package to the iso as well:

(would this work people?)

mount -t iso9660 -o loop,rw /mnt/iso
cd /mnt/iso
tar zxvf package.mydsl

or using WinISO

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