DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Partimage.

Greetings, would there be any possibility of including Partimage in the base image?, it's just around 1mb compressed.. Would this ruin your 50mb testimonial?

Thanks for reading!

a LOT can be added into DSL with 1MB of space..

Did you try using the parted app in the mydsl area?

If you are internet conected,
open a userdsl shell, and type..

mydsl-load parted.dsl apps

See if that will do for working on those drive spaces.

partimage.dsl anyone ??


If it helps, you can *exactly* replicate a partition, including a boot sector, with dd:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=64M

Both partitions need to be umounted at the time and hdb must be at least the same size as hda.

If you're not trying to move a boot sector you could use tar:

cd /mnt/hda; tar cf - . | (cd /mnt/hdb; tar xf -)

(don't rely on eg cp -a ).

OTOH  maybe using a specialised tool is a good idea.

see this thread.



original here.