DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: My ideas and suggestions for DSL


Can i trust my eyes ?

In case this brings support to more newer hardware
and maybe also the Unionfs you make my day happy.

Hope you got good nervs and wich you luckey handes.

Please stay at 50MB.

A happy DSL user.

Please stay away from Unionfs

It is buggy and resource intensive.

No unionfs but cloops have been greatly expanded!
I am hoping that uci's will grow in use.

Wow. I hope it's still small and fast. I have been playing with the 2.26.12 kernel because of it's supposed speed. It does work pretty fast, but it is X that slows everything down on old machines. I feel as if I'm just starting to get to know DSL as it is now. I'm confident that you will continue to make only excellent improvements.
I just noticed today that there are 17 cloops in DSL 1.5....i thought it was still 8.  I'm thinking that's a sufficient amount to justify even the smallest apps being mountable, so i think all (or most, anyway) of my extension contributions will be uci from now on.
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