DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: partimage?
I checked the package list, and noticed that partimage wasnt on it.
Anyone considered adding it?
I know space is at at premium, but this would be damn useful (pardon the pun), especially in a recovery situation.
You can use dd to create exact duplicates of your partition, or use the parted.dsl if you need more functionality than that.
DSL is a desktop distro, not really intended tobe a recovery distro, though we do include many tools for that.
Many uses, many hats, just one DSL.
I thought that there once was a Rescue tools DSL extension that might have partimage in it, but I can't find it now.
It should be possible to build a partimage extension, in theory.
you want build a partimage in your DSL ?
go to partimage.org, download the static package.
tar it.
cp the two files which are tared from the package partimage and partimaged to /bin.
then you can use this tool anywhere.
How would I do this if I was running from a CD?
Open the ISO?
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