DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Adding Emelfm Button For myDSL Editing

I need a little help.

I am playing around with some myDSL packages and wanted to create buttons in Emelfm to keep from having to manually tar and untar the packages. I added a tar button with the command "tar -zxvf f%" with success. My question is how to add the "tar cvfz <package>.dsl *" command to a button since there is the "*" at the end of the command.

I hope this idea helps someone else who is playing as much as I am!



I found that the following are the macro replacements that XX uses:

%f = The selected filename(s) in the active directory
%F = The full pathname(s) of files selected in inactive directory
%d = The active directory name
%D = The inactive directory name
%{Prompt message} = Prompt for input with the message "Prompt message"

I made a button with:

tar -czvf %{Filename for DSL (ie roo.dsl)} *

as the command and it looked like it worked OK when you click the button with the directory you want as the active one.

Your idea did help someone else who is playing as much as you are!

Thanks so much, clacker!

original here.