DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: The DSL Raffle.
I have 2 things that i think need saying. I don't know if you've discussed this with John, but...
1) If it were me, I wouldn't want my personal address or email posted on a message board.
2) Posting the exact same thread in every forum is a waste of resources, and it's considered spam (and against the rules of every message board in existence, ever).
Thanks mikshaw.
No 2) I did not know. Thanks. I understand. I'm sorry.
How can this be done?
You know, I think fundraising is important.
I'm getting back to basics, how does a church raise funds.
Collection,tombola, raffle, car boot etc.
I mean well.
How can this be done.
Best Regards, andy.
no 1) The proper way to deliver an email address,
without the "bots" getting ahold of it, and flooding that
person's mailbox with the world's huge load -o spam,
would be to ...
A. ASK BEFORE posting someone's email address in a PUBLIC forum.
B. Camo the link, like "iamadufus{at}sendmetolinuxhell[dot]net" ,
or something that an automated bot can't use. (easily)
I am grateful for the informative bollocking you posted me in Apps.
I hope I've not hit a negative light on fundraising. Up until today, I'd heard of the word 'spam' in computing, but honestly did not know it's implications.
Now I know that spam is not just pork luncheon meat.
I hope some fundraising can happen.
Your intentions are honorable and valorous,
and your gusto, a joy to see....
but the forums are not an avenue for aggressive fundraising..
I have orchestrated many successful fund-raisers this year already.
I'm certain I will continue to participate..
If your still here at DSL on my next event, be sure to contact
me and volunteer to help out..
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