DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Documentation Survey.

gh78, the Documentation link on the front page isn't good enough?

gh78, andrewphoto, most of your questions have been answered in the Docs, which is why they have gone mostly ignored here.

Tracking a topic? Again, use your eyes.

Andrewphoto, while Knoppix 3.8 has the ability to use some winmodems, DSL does not, due to our 50mb size restriction. DSL only sees hardware modems.

As for the pendrive, once again, use your eyes. In the menu go Apps >> Tools >> Install to USB Pendrive >> USB-ZIP


Thanks for the reply.
I understand the 50mb restriction.
Likely I'll have to configure my modem, that's ok.

What I am primarily trying to do is USB-ZIP.
But I get;
'Error while trying to fetch the bootusb image file.'
So thats why I'm trying to get online.

I guess I can copy the bootusb image to my home directory, but I don't know how to 'manually' USB-ZIP.

I hope you get what I mean.

Thanks again J.P., andy.

original here.