DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: **official IBLS--Itty Bitty Linux Server thread**
firstly i got rid of all the bugs and got the iso size down to around 45mb (so i can fit in stuff like ruby soon).
secondly i almost have the dialog based basic setup menu working.
thridly the project may be changing name, as john pointed out: dslwse should have its own identity and name. I was thinking about DSWS (damnsmallwebserver), what do other people reckon on the subject of naming.
also can some of the artistic types come up with a boot splash?
Using the term "Web" kindof locks down the future potential of the project....
DSS - DamnSmallServer
DSSP - DamnSmallServerProject
DSMS - DamnSmallMiniServer
DSPS - DamnSmallPersonalServer
DSSS - DamnSmallSimpleServer
DSFS - DamnSmallFastServer
DSLS - DamnSmallLinuxServer
DSDS - DamnSmallDependableServer
DSES - DamnSmallEasyServer
DSLS - DamnSmallLiveServer
DSDES - DamnSmallDamnEasyServer
DSDQS - DamnSmallDamnQuickServer
DSSDQ - DamnSmallServerDamnQuick
DSIS - DamnSmallInstantServer
DSSIAJ - DamnSmallServerInAJiffy
DSSFA - DamnSmallServerForAll
DSFS - DamnSmallFreeServer
DSBS - DamnSmallBigServer
ok....I started to digress.....
I think my favorites are DSS, DSIS and DSLS
DSL-S is good
Where is that new version!? heh
lol, john reckoned we should steer clear of using damnsmall in the name.
possible ideas and reasons why they are slightly poor:
lampix- already exists
minilamp- is the name of a lighting company
servix- embarrassingly close to cervix
miniserve- too close to miniserv
liteserv- already exists
dunno, any ideas anyone?
How about serve50, or 50serve? sounds too much like an ISP?
prehaps a poll is in order?
as for the new version, well, i burnt 0.1.1 to a cd, made a lot of bug fixes, never got round to burning again, 0.2.0 is not far off anyway.
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