DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: **official IBLS--Itty Bitty Linux Server thread**

61mb and counting :)
I will be willing to do some testing when you get a version you have some confidence it.

Since it is going to be a DSL "server" I would see folks wanting to have things like samba, python/edna, qmail or other available in addition to LAMP.

My curiosity is peaked as to where you are going to store your data sets?  web pages, database, etc...

Are you planning for a restore file like the current DSL?

I can envision a frugal install which autosaves and autoloads a restore file.  The restore file could either contain ALL of your data (htm, php, db's) or the config could point to a partition that contains this data....

Any teasers as far as your design goals would be appreciated.

Good luck...let me know how I can assist...

max: This is a web server edition, i could not possibly fit in samba, i may do a fileserver version though :) but not right now.
python would be great, but i am over the size limit as it is, i will have a try if i have any spare space, or else make an add-on package for it.


ok, making a third attempt now (messed up attempt 2 as well, but at least i now know not to delete that file!!!).
I think you should shoot for the 50mb web server version too...

I was just thinking that we could use the same DSL architecture to add .dsl's for some of the other apps depending on the end user's goals...

Personally, I'm looking for a replacement of my SME Server which was based on an old version of Red Hat.  I'm more familiar with Debian (and DSL in particular from tinkering around with DSL since version .7) .  I also simply love the idea of just being able to reboot and start from scratch when you goof something up.

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