DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Mouse pointer speed

It is slow.  Please take consideration on increasing the speed in future versions.

Thank you!

you can change it with "xset m <acceleration> <threshold>"

Quote (xset @ manpage)
The  m  option  controls  the  mouse  parameters.  The parameters for the mouse are 'acceleration' and 'threshold'.  The acceleration can be specified as an integer, or as a simple fraction.  The mouse, or whatever  pointer  the  machine  is connected to, will go 'acceleration' times as fast when it travels more than 'threshold' pixels in a short time.  This way, the mouse can be used for  precise  alignment when  it  is  moved slowly, yet it can be set to travel across the screen in a flick of the wrist when desired.  One or both parameters for the m option can be omitted, but if only one is given, it will be interpreted  as the acceleration.  If no parameters or the flag 'default' is used, the system defaults will be set.

How do I increase the current speed by x2?
"xset m 2" will double the speed, but i'm not sure if it doubles the current speed, or doubles whatever the default is.

In any case, i'd play around with various settings to see what feels right for you.  When you find one that feels good, add that xset command to .xinitrc to make it run whenever you startx

how is that possible when the cd is read-only?
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