DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Would you wear a DSL-T Shirt??
Actually I like it...
change the "owl" back into a penguin and
"root@tty1[/]# Mine!" to a more "security correct" "dsl@box:~$ Mine!"
and I'd buy it!
I'd like to wear a DSL t-shirt, this thing is damn cool besides being damn small, but in my area, DSL is a thing we use to describe women that have d*ck sucking lips. [Angelina Jolie], so I'll never buy one if it prominently displays the letters DSL.
Is this thread dead? I am proud to be a DSL user (for about a year now) and like to show it out..
I need: a DSL - t-shirt
A high resolution image of what John (Mr DSL?) would consider being THE DSL-logo.....
I agree, I have been waiting for some shirts to come out for a while now. I am a Comp. Sci. major and I am really surprised at how many people even in my computer classes still dont know about dsl. I think shirts would be a great way for more people to find out about dsl and from looking through this thread it looks like there is plenty of interest, plus I need another shirt
I got sidetracked months ago, hopefully I might make some screens up shortly, if I get the time.
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