DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: what about rsync

I just wanted to ask whether there's enought room left to add rsync (apt-get install rsync) to the cd. This is a "smart" scp replacement that settles upon ssh. It smartly handles transferring only the differences of modified files, and it does not suffer from various, partially several years old bugs from scp (see Debian ssh/scp bug reports).

IMHO, rsync is a must for any backup/recovery system, and with having rsync, I'd happily buy DSL to have a knoppix replacement that fits into my purse.


Apt-get install rsync, then follow Clivesay's "How to create a simple MyDSL application", which will result a rsync.dsl (189.31K small enogh to keep in sda1).

I did not do extensive tests, but only tested to ensure that DSL transfers/receives files from an old linux pda (Agenda developer's edition) properly.

I submitted a quickly made 190k rsync.dsl extension a few days ago, so it should be coming to a store near you soon.

Because it is so small, you can easily add this extension to a new custom mkmydsl *.iso file and still have it fit inside a business card CD-R disk or a 64MB or larger USB drive.

But I do agree that rsync would be the type of program that is a nice candidate for eventual inclusion into the base distro, but it would need to be shrunken down a bit in order to be space efficient.  In other words, get rid of the docs and man pages and strip the binary etc. Maybe even recompile for size optimization.

original here.