DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Installation options like Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux has a handy selection of setup options that would be an asset to Damn Small Linux. They could be varied (I'd delete Zip disk support since they are becoming obsolete) to have the choice of USB drive, an embedded install (IDE CF card, etc.), hard disk, and remastering the CD itself.
I understand that these options can be accomplished currently, but the Puppy method is quick and easy to use.

Personally, I think that if DSL is going to continue to be at least partially geared toward users of older computers, the Zip disk support should be kept.

Not having a CD-burner on my laptop, I rely on my Zip disk for backing up files and for additional storage of those things I want to keep (for whatever reason) but seldom need to get to. Just a thought from an occasional visitor to this forum.

original here.