DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: follow-up
Oh and I know it is probably too much bloatware, but a wish of mine has been to see a compact package of net security tools pre-compiled into it as well. Just a tiny collection of space-efficent security programs, GUI prefrerred, but CLI ok as well. I know STD has em, but wouldn't DSL be just that much handier with a few netproblem specific apps? (aka Ettercap, Etherape, ect.) Just a thought. Oh and a standalone FW (one NIC,workstation) would be handy for the n00bs as well.
If you want a DSL-like security distro, I recommend getting the INSERT livecd.
It is also a 50MB livecd that is based on KNOPPIX and also some concepts from DSL.
But this livecd is specifically meant for rescue / forensics / security use instead of a general purpose desktop like DSL. So it doesn't have most of the DSL applications.
But it is the right tool for the job.
Also, the Ultimate Boot CD folks have integrated INSERT into their boot cd and it has been modified to be more user-friendly to linux newbies than the INSERT cd itself. It is larger than 50MB, though.
original here.