DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: 210MB !
If the "round cd" is the problem, then the solution is obvious.
Burn the 50MB iso to a bigger disk.
Just because DSL is a 50MB distro does not mean that it forces you to use a business card format.
You can take the advice and make a larger custom livecd with 210MB of data on it.
Or the simple approach is to just burn the 50MB iso image on to the 210MB CD and leave the rest of the disk unused.
It will still work fine, and it will not break anyone's CDROM drive.
I use the mini-cd(rw). I also use the spare space for my
personal work, documents, whatever I need to be portable.
I'm still a newbie trying to advance with DSL, however.
Would somebody please advise me how to get the doc files
down, and viewable? Still trying to get MyDSL to fly, but haven't had
much time of late.
original here.