DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL translation
Anything is possible.
But consider that someone needs to do it.
New DSL versions come out often, so someone would have to keep the alternative language versions of DSL up to date.
It is by and large a thankless task.
If someone is willing to volunteer their time and web storage space, then they should reply here.
I've seen you are making a world map of DSL users. It's obvious DSL needs an easy way to match an user language.
Maybe the solution would be to make .dsl extensions for each language (as the brazillian one that already exists), so each user can download the language he/she needs.
If that's not possible, I'd ask for a better description (tutorial, howto...) of the making of of such .dsl file.
Just my 2 eurocents.
Txemi Jendrix
Now that is a better idea.
Maybe the brazilian dsl extension can be used as a template for building extensions for other languages.
Yes - this is a good solution, but for this it would be great to have an english documentation - I am interested to do a german version
I would be interested in making an italian.dsl extension. but that depends on owh much you have to work for it.
I mean..if it's about fluxbox standard menu, it's easy.
but are we talking about translating the menus of each and every program contained in dsl? that's a big work. expecially if you consider you have to do it at every release...
so.. at your disposal, once we state what the standard must be.
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