DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: 60Hz refresh rate

Howto change it ?
Do you like it ? Why ?

I can't vote either way. I must say though, being that I am British, my monitor is worth more then $10, its at least $20. Its still rubbish though. What refresh rate are you after? An increase to 70 or 100?
The idea is to choose....if you have ten dolar monitor use 60Hz or repeatly connect/disconnect the wall plug..... :laugh: :laugh:
If you have 21" monitor use 1600x1200 at 100Hz

Some menu like the select.resolution would be great
I use DSL since 4.3 and there was something to choose refresh rate....but it disapeared because
Changes for 0.5:
Local .xinitrc, Save/Restore user settings menu option, Boot time "restore" option (type "knoppix restore" at boot), mount.app program now recognizes the usbdrive. Firebird now runs as user damnsmall, added sqlite, removed ispell, flwriter and replaced them with Ted-gtk w/ US English spell check, removed option to set frequency (didn't work quite right) and added option to set dpi. Thank you to Robert Shingledecker for the major code and debugging contribution in this release.

This has been answered before. See cbagger01's answer. look here
I personaly don't care about it because 2 year ago,we had LOT OF WATER here in Prague and my dad is director of (i thing) biggest electro store...so lot's of TFTs, PIIIs , RAMs , complete computers , etc. were sunk and dirty...I cleaned them and now I've 4 17" TFTs (so I don't care about refresh rate), lot's of 700MHz comps (with DSL because harddisk can't stay alive after 3 meters high water in house, they are armed with 230 MB disk that I buyed for $3 ;-)
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