DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: New DSL Desktops

If you want XFCE, try using Liut Linux.

It is based on an older version of DSL and it uses XFCE for the desktop environment.

i don't mind fluxbox, it seems pretty nice, but there just a few mods i'd like to make, how would i go about doing this (sorry, linux noobie here)
explain what you mean by "mods" and this fluxbox junkie will be happy to help if he can.
just a line: icewm is there on the repository: it's fast, light and very windows-like; just use the Xp theme and a Xp background if you want the winblows feeling...I think it can handle icons too (but not by default)
Xpde is very beatiful. I tried it last year on a mandrake, but it was very buggy. I hope they fixed it.
anyway, fluxbox was a real descover for me. it's very powerful and clean!

ive installed XFCE on dsl, wasn't too hard...? Ive yet to test it too much, but it boots up fine and i can load apps from the menu, etc.  Everything seems ok.
It was a 50mb install, apt-get style.  
Add these to /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://www.os-works.com/debian testing main
deb-src http://www.os-works.com/debian testing main

and then do 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install xfce4'

then you need to change your /home/dsl/.xinitrc.  Comment out fluxbox and add the following:

/usr/bin/xfce-mcs-manager &
/usr/bin/xfwm4 --daemon  &
/usr/bin/xftaskbar4 &
/usr/bin/xfdesktop &
/usr/bin/xfce4-panel  2>/dev/null

startx and everything should be great! i don't know how the dockapps will get along with it as i use gkrellm, that might be a problem.
Did this on DSL 1.3.

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