DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Viewing M$ word in 0.9.3

To interact better with Gatesworld, it'd be nice to have the choice of (formatted, read-only) gvu or (editable, save as rtf) flwriter. Is there an easy way to offer this?

If I were a programmer - Deedlidle-deedlidle-deedlum - how hard to hack gvu & flwriter to add 'open .DOC', using antiword, to their Open File dialogues?

Loved your script cbagger! I tried it out and came up with a couple of possible adjustments:


#  wordview   Rev0 2/5/05
#  originally submitted by cbagger01 from the DSL forum
antiword -p a4 "$*" > /home/knoppix/tmp/"$*".ps
ps2pdf /home/knoppix/tmp/"$*".ps
xpdf "$*".pdf
rm "$*".pdf

This creates a pdf-file which is opened in xpdf.


#  wordview   Rev0 2/5/05
#  originally submitted by cbagger01 from the DSL forum
antiword "$*" > /home/knoppix/tmp/"$*".txt
ted /home/knoppix/tmp/"$*".txt
rm /home/knoppix/tmp/"$*".txt

This script converts the word-document to .txt and opens it in Ted.
It could of course be opened in any word-processor/text-editor that can read .txt files.

Lots of possibilities with this scripts. So, thanks again!



I like the PDF tweak.  I did not realize that ps2pdf was included in DSL.

It gives me the new idea to allow the user to keep their converted *.pdf file for future use and save it to the current directory and then clean up the old *.ps file.

PDF files are good because they can be viewed on almost any computer running a semi-recent operating system.

Tried this today, but nothing worked - when I try just "antiword", it says it can't find it (0.9.1).  Then tried the "/usr/lib/siag/antiword/antiword" (or similar), it found antiword, but the when I modified the doc2pdf script, still didn't work?
Haven't burnt 0.9.3 yet - is there any difference here?

On a related but general note, is there any way to bring up a terminal so it shows the error messages you sometimes only see after you exit out of X?  (like when you load a theme that has errors, you don't see the errors until you get out of X)

I think that antiword and gvu were moved into a stanard bin folder like /usr/bin or /usr/X11R6/bin so they are easily found in your path.

This change seems to take place with DSL version 0.9.3

But antiword and gvu have been kicking around in different directories ever since siag was added to the DSL livecd.

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