DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Little tip to make Java work in DSL
Get two files from gnu-utils.dsl (rename it to gnu-utils.tar.gz) :
and put it in the adequate place when using another mydsl file
after that do sudo ldconfig
when using the firefox.dsl we must create a symlink from
/"your java dir" /plugin/i386/ns610/libjavaplugin.oji.so
to /opt/firefox/plugins
if you are using the version downloaded from www.mozilla.org do the same but change ns610 to ns610-gcc32
see about:buildconfig to verify the version of gcc that was used to compile
tested with java 1.4.2_04 from Sun but probably it works with the other javas
(hehe, the title is wrong and I cant correct)
The Firefox that I have says it used gcc 2.96, so using the ns610-gcc322 one wouldn't work in that regard.
However, I found that if you go to a java-applet-infused website, and click on the little "Click Here to download the Plugin" link, it downloads and installs the xpi file just fine.
If I knew how to install the XPI files, I'd just download and make a script for it, but I don't. =\
original here.