DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: New small editors: e3, joe or zile
It would be nice if there were Emacs support somehow, because some have years of habbits stroking C-a, M-<, C-y ...ahem. I suggest evaluation following and adding one of them to DSL:
- joe (Emulates several editors in one binary, vi, Emacs ..)
- e3 (same; vi, Emacs ... but very stripped, assembler based)
Then there is
- zile (Emacs clone only)
But I think many-in-one choices were better than separate editor (like zile).
For a while, I asked that Zile be kept only as it was a very nice portable version of emacs. It's no longer in the standard image but it's downloadable within seconds with MyDSL.
Today I discovered the wonders of e3 and would heartily nominate it as a DSL-worthy editor. Like DSL it's extremely small and at the same time extremely flexible -- it can be emacs/vi/wordstar/nano, all in one 10K assembly package.
original here.