DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: AMD Athlon 64 CPU

It would be nice if DSL ran on the Athlon 64 CPU, I have tried to get it to load on my laptop with a Athlon 64 3400+ CPU, but it will not load.

What happens?

Lock, error messages

We arent mind readers bud!


Which release did you try?
I remastered a 0.7.2 with quake2 and it runs great on a acer with a amd 64 bit cpu.
Can you provide us more details where it goes wrong ? some errors?


I've gleaned this (if it's any help, considering that dsl is based on knoppix):

Knoppix 3.7 has the 2.6 kernel which contains increased support for AMD 64-bit chips, so the large r3000 family of new low-end HP Compaq laptops under various diverse names using AMD XP or XP-M (32-bit crippled) chips might just boot with Knoppix 3.7 and the 'knoppix26' cheatcode. It seems these may not boot with knoppix versions up to & including 3.6.

Starts Boot from Grub an hangs.

HP Pavilion zv5340us Notebook PC (AMD Athlon 64 3400+, 512 MB RAM, 100 GB Hard Drive, DVD-RW Drive)

Tried booting from CD and USB Thumb drive, same thing happens both times.

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