DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: One thing that could really set dsl on the map

No you are in the right forum.

It doesn't hurt to ask, even when the answer is:

It is not possible without making major changes to the OS windowing system, a difficult task that is bound to prove troublesome even if it was successfull.

i am going to be doing some nice 3d games as dsls soon, tuxcart etc, i don't think doom3 would work as a mydsl, it seems that there are just some things it needs to run (that could be packaged as a mydsl) and the installer, which could maybe be included in the dsl automatically put in your home dir. however i cannot be bothered to do a doom3.dsl, and i don't have the cd to test the installer. if you manage it then tell me and i will offer congrats.
this is slightly of topic but i run quake2 on a bartPE cd without directx suppport so maybe quake2 might be a easyer to port to dsl.
There is already a quake2.dsl in the repository..
Add the pak*.pak files from any quake II CD disk, and play away..

The .pak files are NOT freely distributable..


dsl has loads of games and with wine apt-got i will play most windows ones even those with DX requirements :D
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