DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: asking your attention to ROX Filer

Could you add ROX Filer file manager keeping or replacing emelFM (depending on other users needs)? Visit ROX homepage at http://rox.sourceforge.net. Please go through the ROX Desktop as well as the screenshots.  ???
hmmmmm, i don't like rox that much, it looks like windows explorer, but apart from that i can see no advantages over emelfm. emelfm is more powerful and easy to use.
use the mydsl if you really need rox, but i don't think many people would like it to replace emelfm.

apart from that i can see no advantages over emelfm. emelfm is more powerful and easy to use.

ico2 -

I am with you on this one. When I first tried DSL (coming from a windows environment) I was not impressed with emelfm but that opinion has changed drastically.

zaheermk -

I encourage you to give emelfm a chance. It may not be as pretty, but emelfm is HIGHLY configurable. You can look for files, launch apps, work from the commandline, etc. With the buttones and the right click menu, emelfm could almost be a do-it-all gui for anything you would like to do in a gui environment. Now that I have used it for awhile, I don't know what I would do without it!!  :)

I actually have emelfm and rox in my remaster. Just load the rox.dsl file and have the best of both worlds!


yeah, emelfm is the best, as i said, get the rox.dsl extension if you can't live with emelfm.
Find it here, click-n-run..



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