DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Diskless Booting?

Network install isn't quite what I'm looking for.

Using PXE and tftp, I can download and boot the linux kernel, and download the minirt24.gz as the initrd.  No problems there.

All I want to do is modify the linuxrc in minirt24 so that it doesn't look for the knoppix image on a USB or CDROM drive, but looks for it over an NFS partition.  
I just don't understand the linuxrc and how it looks for the knoppix image.

I don't want to install at all... I just want to boot directly off the network using PXE, TFTP, and NFS.

The first problem that I can think of is that I don't think that networking is activated until AFTER the knoppix image is already loaded.

This puts you in a catch-22 situation.

Check out http://www.bofh.be/clusterknoppix/ and see how it's done there. You may find just what you're looking for and be able to apply it to DSL instead.
Easiest test subject: trick Knoppix(terminal-server) to use the DamnSmall image instead of the knoppix image
And, fwiw, it uses tftp, not nfs

original here.