DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: DSL Revisted?
ok, i have come to the conclusion that siag cannot be cut down enough to make it go in dsl, it relies on libmowitz and libXawM, which combined are nearly 7mb, that is way to bloated to work.
If we do take off those programs that don't work or will be replaced by this new office app, how much space do we gain? Is it enough to add these new office aplications?
The important value is the compressed file size: around 4MB.
The best comparison is to compare the compressed size of a slimmed down Siag to the compressed size of ABS + TED.
However, I think that ultimately the answer will be the same and Siag will take up too much space compared to the other apps.
aaaaaaaaahh, forgot to compress.
ok, no need to cut down, can get the spreadsheet prog seperately.
pw will have to wait though, making the dsl file (can possibly be added to the iso l8r) in just a moment.
the debs for the spreadsheet alone are 1.9mb
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