DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: wish list for the new version, dsl 5.0
I stumbled upon another nice tool: Xtoolwait. Haven't yet tried it, but having faster X startup might be nice too.I would like to see the mount tool back aswell...liked it more and emelfm by opening folders from the desktop. And propably some updates like 3ddesk, if it would go with the 50MB ... will all the next DSL's be 50 mb or is it gonna go higher? just so there are more possibilities. And kernel 2.6? You could include a newer version of Firefox traight ahead and also Flash could be include from the beginning. And instead of giving the choice between xvesa and xfbdev you could include xorg which most machines use nowerdays (i dont but still). And even though jwm and fluxbox are quite cool you could include something else...some eye-candy ;) I had a nice one but i forgot the name...thats it for the first if i will think of something i will let you knowYou just described some entirely different distro, *cough* ubuntu *cough*, or something else like Xandros or Mint.. Most of that starting from 3ddesk is just not DSL IMO.
You could include a newer version of Firefox traight ahead and also Flash could be include from the beginning.
Nuh uh. The idea behind dslcore is that YOU can do that if you want. It's not going to come with all that crap. Certainly not Flash, which isn't even open source.mount.lua is still there (though you may have problems using it)Next Page...
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