DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: monkey 0.9.2

On sourceforge I saw that monkey 0.9.2 is out. Will it be in DSL soon? I don't see monkey in the list of packages...
Monkey .9.1 is installed by default in dsl (atleast the 3.4.x branch :P)

It is installed in /opt/monkey/ and seems to be completely self contained there. You should be able to compile .9.2 and just drop it in to /opt/monkey/bin/monkey

It's actually /opt/monkey-0.9.1/
/opt/monkey is a sym-link to that.

It's in 4.x as well. I'll try to compile 0.9.2 from source. Would be nice to have it out of the box in the next release.
Wow, a new release after so long - great.
Seems to compile and run fine so far.  Only tested localhost.

Download page: http://monkeyd.sourceforge.net/versions/ (for some reason I couldn't find it linked on the main page)

Looks like it will solve a number problems, such as bugs like http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin....t=14380

yeah, that's the bug I'm facing. Thanks for the link, it's still 0.9.1 on the main page.
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