DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Script to permanently install UCI extensions


Only a few things.  In general:

1) shrink an image from 1024x786 down to 200x150.
2) save as gif or jpg.
3) crop an image.
4) copy a piece from one image and paste it into another.

Those were the simple ones.  Here are the advanced:

5) print an image across many pages as a poster; with crop marks for alignment would be best.  My wife uses large paper patterns for her work, but we use small digital images to prepare them.
6) histogram, color-balancing, contrast-balancing, fading, enhancing etc for photo retouching.  We use Paintshop Pro in Windows for this.  GIMP is going to be a challenge for both of us, it has a different setup from any program I've ever used.  I'm versant with layers et al techniques, but I can't wrap my head around how to do simple things in GIMP (yet, as my time is focused on other things).

I'll add more if I remember anything later.

Most -- if not all -- of that can be done via command line with imagemagick.

I'm surprised you had something nice to say about ratpoison considering it's devoid of aesthetics, icons, etc. :-)


I knew you would be.

I'm a power user.  I support a bunch of friends who aren't.  I've always tried to make it clear that the thinsg I suggested were in the context of helping new people get on board.

If you ever search the Multi-Edit forum, you'll see that I prefer to get things done by keyboard... and rarely use a mouse... it's the fastest way to get around.

You and I are strong enough to do whatever we want with computers.  Not everybody is.

I'm looking onto ImageMagick.

original here.