DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: wish list, 2.6

That's great. Having the choice of either or both of gtk1 and gtk2 will be nice.

For example, I haven't managed to get my groove on with the gtk2 version of emelfm.  Somehow it just seems too very.  I still love the old gtk1 emelfm.

GEEZ 'O PEETE!!!! I can't stop DROOLING...!!!!!!!!  :D

Great job, RS!

Just a question to the 5.0 plans :
Are there planes to have ntfs-3g in the standard or will it be left to an extention ?

Are there planes to have ntfs-3g in the standard or will it be left to an extention ?

My vote, if it matters, is to leave that kind of thing to extensions. What's the point of modularizing if everyone's going to lobby to have this or that thrown into the base?

Quote (lucky13 @ April 21 2008,09:00)
Are there planes to have ntfs-3g in the standard or will it be left to an extention ?

My vote, if it matters, is to leave that kind of thing to extensions. What's the point of modularizing if everyone's going to lobby to have this or that thrown into the base?

It will not be included in the core.

The core will be ASAP. As Small As Possible.
I am not even planning on having icons.
If one wants xtdesk, dfm, or rox, they too will need to be extensions.
If one wants an icon collection, for even JWM, that too will be an extension.

It does boot into JWM and able to run MyDSL GUI selection tools.

I am not planning on having many console based apps, they too, should be extensions.

As I already mentioned, no Gtk in core. I have a gtk1.dsl and have tested some apps with our gtk2 extension (only as a proof of concept).

I am not going to be very involved with the gtk2 stuff. John, and many in the fourms are way more knowledgeable with gtk2 than I.

I am planning on making adjustments to mydsl subsystem, based on the new architecture. I am going to be supporting less extension types. Doing so will  make the system easier to understand and support. I will have a mounted type extension, with self-contained still being the most desireable.

It is likely that one or several flavors, i.e., core + extns, will be offered.
It is too early to say exactly what will be, as I am only focused on core.

I am going to try to hold the line on what is in core.

Also note that DSL v4.x will continue to be developed and supported as a complete desktop as long as their is interest and available apps/mods to be done.

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