DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: boot usb install

Is very necesary boot a usb-stick with a normal instalation (install to hd )of dsl at computers that
not have boot-bios-usb, somebody can help

Yes, that is possible.

Just copy linux24 and minirt24.gz to the hd, and have your bootloader boot it. It should automatically boot from usb, unless you have DSL installed to the hard drive too..

I only have floppy, cd, and stick/usb, i have not hard disk, i want install dsl to stick/usb with normal installation to hd but to stick/usb and boot from floppy, my laptop have not bios-boot-usb. how to do a floppy that boot that stick/usb if the bios have not boot-usb neither something reference to unit usb,, thanks
oh. Then the regular boot floppy can do that.

After downloading bootfloppy.img you can write it to a floppy with "dd if=bootfloppy.img of=/dev/fd0".
Then copy the KNOPPIX directory from the CD or the embedded ver to the usb stick, plug them both in, and see if it boots :)

i want install dsl to stick/usb with --normal installation to hd--

not frugal installation, not installation "poor man", not copy of iso, thanks

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