DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: "properties" feature for GUI menu items
Oh, sorry, I jumped to a conclusion there, based on misreading your post.
But yeah, it is impossible to add a right-click to the desktop menu (if you mean the fluxbox menu) without modifying the fluxbox source. Fluxbox doesn't have that ability built in. My guess is that DSL development tends to stay away from making changes to the code of individual applications unless they can't be made to work in DSL otherwise.
One workaround is to put the command in the label by editing the .fluxbox/menu (e.g. [exec] (PCMCIA Card Control 'command: cardctl')
That's a pretty good idea.
Since the command is already provided in that file, it should be a simple task to automate the copy of the command string into the label string. I can't think of how it would be at the moment, but i'm sure it woud take only a little lua code or maybe just a sed one-liner.
original here.