DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Start only console on ttys other than 1

Well, it isn't needed to start x on other ttys, since that's what the workspaces are for. It will only hog resources to have many instances of x running..

It can be done, Knoppix 5 does it, X is on tty5 and ttys 2-4 are console (1 is for messages). I don't know how it's done, so don't ask me, but I think it's somewhere in inittab...

There are a couple of ways to do it in DSL. One way is to set up multiple virtual terminals with a login prompt:

Another way is to simply boot into runlevel 2. The drawback of this is that the four available virtual terminals are already logged in as root, so you should su to dsl to do regular non-administrative work (including starting X).

I have a hd-install, with multiuser, so there is a login prompt on 4 ttys (3 on mine), but after logging in in any tty, it starts x (yes, in runlevel 5) and that's the default behavior I'd like changed
ok...that's an easy one.  Just remove "startx" from /home/dsl/.bash_profile

Or if you still want to have it automatically start x in tty1, you could change it to something like this:
[ `tty` == /dev/tty1 ] && startx

that worked great. I think adding that line to dsl would improve dsl :;):

Oh, and remember to change /root/.bash_profile
startx line too to that, wouldn't want logging as root in ttys 2 and 3 to start X..

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