DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: dsl with kernel headers and development libraries


I understand that a huge motive of DSL is to be below 50mb.  However, I want to use it for an old laptop, and just am not able to get all the kernel-headers, etc necesary in order to compile a driver that I need (and that works fine under linux if you have that other stuff).  So, I'd like a version I could download and install with the exact same applications and configuration as DSL currently has, but with those extra things that are often necessary to get it to work on the computers it is often used on (old laptops).

You can remaster, or use .unc's, or use a debian-style hd-install, or try to run everything on some partition by setting the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

The easiest is probably to use .unc's.


If you are using DSL 3.0 or higher, try to compile your driver after loading the following extensions:


gcc1-with-libs.unc: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....nc.info


and, perhaps,  kernelsource.dsl:

Good luck.

Or, you could boot from the Knoppix 3.4 CD, compile the driver & save it to USB stick or similar - the driver will work as-is in DSL.

If you are lucky, the driver might already be on the Knoppix CD :D

Well, those options are all there...and I've tried the hd installation and the header files and whatnot, but really it starts to be pretty complex because I can only connect to the internet with the modem and I want my wireless card (which has a native linux driver) to work.

I guess I could request the inclusion of the adm8211 driver (only older versions support kernel 2.4), but I may be the only person who wants it...that's why I suggestion a version with all necessary additives to enable module compilation, since many people probably have a variety of hardware they'd like to try to get to work.  The computer doesn't have enough memory for ndiswrapper.

As it is, getting the kernel source from an old version of knoppix isn't really a serious approach I don't think -- even if it works.  A download with all of the kernels and headers from the DSL mirrors might be good.  I used the headers dsl package, but it didn't seem to work right for me.

In the meantime, this might all be moot, except that the USB on my old old acer travelmate doesn't seem to work either.  Using another distro makes everything work (usb, adm8211 pcmcia card, etc), but it really isn't as elegant a solution as Damn Small.

Well, keep up the good work.  If somebody compiles the 8211 card driver or makes a mydsl or whatever, I'd be mighty pleased...in the meantime I will chug away on elive with icewm.

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