DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: dsl for the psp

well thats pritty much it would it be possibel to make a version small enough to fit on the basic 32 mb card but with a vitual key board support. if this is allready possibale then let me know im still new to dsl.
Its probably possible, you would need to run an emulator from the psp, i have never tried this since i cannot yet downgrade my firmware, but i have read that it works. Google it and you will find some emulators. It might take some effort to wittle down dsl to 32mb, you should get a bigger memory stick, im sure it's possible though...
well i was mainly wondering for the  people that only have the stock card and dont want to upgrade yet lol. but still im sure i can find it if i look as far as backlogging the psp to earlier settings i don't really see the need with the right chip set but that involves opening up your psp and most are shy about that.
. i have scraped the psp thing for now im working on my Nintendo ds trying to help revers engineer the wifi to connect to the net and run a browser but for the time and money i could just get a laptop but whats the fun in that

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