DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Open up the wiki (DSL docs badly needed)
John? Robert? My offer still stands. I'm willing to administer the wiki.
I appreciate the offer, but just so that everyone knows, I have little to do with the website, blog, wiki, and store. I would suggest to email or pm John and reference this topic.
I pm'd John, offering to administer the wiki, and I referenced this post. I didn't get a response. Can you get a hold of him for me, Robert?
I also agree with the original poster. More documentation is definately needed. I would also be willing to donate some of my time to combat any spam or vandalism.
Perhaps we could go the route of the german(i think) wikipedia and not allow most users to make live changes. An admin or moderator person would have to approve all changes.
Any fresh news on this topic? Any response from John?
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